Friday, September 02, 2005

Yes. Slowly, but surely I can say "Yes!" Slowly but surely we are all recovering and at the same time we are getting the pictures online from our trip. It feels like it's been an age and yet at the same time it's only been one week. Mornings are all Hi-5, Cayou, and Ready Set Learn! We both avoid CNN, but Lee sneers at Green Day and White Stripes videos, while at the same time banging his head to Switchfoot. Down is up and up is down.

In all honesty, everything is bliss, all is bliss, except for the teething. AFAIK, there may well have been many sentences in history that started in that same sing-song manner. "If it weren't for the teething, dot dot dot." At any rate, thank God for Hyland's (and for the Berkeley Parents Network).

A minor grace note in the day: after a slice at IPIII, my daughter and I stumbled into CD Alley and found a used copy of Husker Du's "Eight Miles High" EP for $3.98. (We also snagged DJ Spooky and The Teardrop Explodes).

I haven't heard these tracks since high school when a) the only copy was my best friend's (vinyl, of course) and b) the tone arm on his turntable always pulled away early and cut the second songs short on each side of the 7-inch. It was two or three years later before I heard the whole thing in its entirety. God bless vinyl. And while we're at it, God bless The Maple Leaf.

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